Akins Photojournalism

Monday, April 07, 2008

New fun photo contest

On your blog - Read the following, and post 3-5 categories you think you might submit to.

This is DUE APRIL 17

Everyone must prepare at least five entries for the new "Finale" photo contest. Full details are available here.

Everyone must prepare at least five entries, but it is up to you if you want to enter or not. There is a 50 cent entry fee for each photo.

You must enter at least five photos from at least three of the following categories:

1. Abstract (AB)
2. Animals/Pets (AP)
3. Architecture/Architectural Detail (A)
4. Black and White/Sepia (BW)
5. CD Cover (CD)
6. Cell Phone (shot w/ cell phone) (CP)
7. Digitally Constructed Images (DC)
8. Fashion (FA)
9. Friends (FR)
10. Landscape/Cityscape (LC)
11. Photo Story (up to five images) (PS)
12. Photojournalism (PJ)
13. Portraits/People (P)
14. Sports/Action (SA)
15. Still Life (SL)
16. Student Life (STL)
17. Text Added (to give a message, ex. Valentine, PSA, etc) (TA)
18. Vacation Images (V)

To Enter - Follow these instructions EXACTLY

Crop your photos to no more than 8" by 10" and no less than 5" by 7" with a resolution of 200.
Save your images as .jpeg files
Save your files in a folder named "last_first_digital_contest"
Name your files exactly as follows:

first four letters of your last name first initial_category code_B_AHS_first four digits of student id #.jpg

Note- If you are entering more than one photo in a category, add one to the the four digit number.

connm_SA_B_AHS_1408.jpg for ConnollyMatt_Sports/Action_Beginning_AkinsHighSchool_1408.jpg

If I was entering another Sports/ Action photo, it would be named as follows:
connm_SA_B_AHS_1409.jpg for

Type your full name, school name and category information into the File Info Description field. You can access this by going to the File menu in Photoshop and selecting "File Info".


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