Yearbook layout preview
Earlier this year, we spoke about the four design elements that make up a page:
Text (body and display)
Art work (including small elements such as lines and boxes)
White Space
You will be using the photos you took for either the architecture or the action/ sports photography as the basis for a traditional yearbook spresd.
As we begin our yearbook design unit, it is usefull to see how others have used these elements to design pages.
Do the following:
1. Go to the Taylor yearbook gallery
2. Select "State > Texas" and "School Type > High School" and hit "Search"
3. Spend at least 20 minutes browsing through the layouts. Click on the thumbnails to see larger versions.
4. When you see spreads you like, right click on them and save them to your folder.
5. Post the following FOUR spreads to your blog.
A. Post a spread that uses text in an interesting and effective way. Label this as "Good Text"
B. Post a spread that uses photos in an interesting and effective way. Label this as "Good photos"
C. Post a spread that uses art work in an interesting and effective way. Label this as "Good Art"
D. Post a spread that uses white space in an interesting and effective way. Label this as "Good White space"
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