Critique Points (Should add up to 100)- Critiques on the BLOG by April 22- 25 pts. each
- Composition powerpoint shows- 25 pt. each
- In-Depth Critique show (at least one)- 25 pts. each
Composition Slide ShowsEach slide show should be composed of five slides.
Each show will focus on ONE composition technique, so you must find good examples of these techniques on the web.
Click on the "comments" link and sign up for your technique.
No more than four people can do any one critique
The simple layout for the slides is as follows:- Title- The technique
- Photo- Large, high quality example
- Name of photographer at bottom
Save this As "your_name_technique" (connolly_matt_leading_lines) in the "finished powerpoints" folder in the photojournalism folder
Possible Composition Techniques- Peak of action or emotion
- Rule of thirds
- Dramatic angle
- Leading lines
- Framing
- Repetition
- Simplicity
In-Depth Critique showYou must do at least one of these!
This will consist of 2 slides
Slide OneTitle- Name of photographer of an excellent photo
Content- The photo
Slide TwoTitle- "Critique"
Content- 5-7 sentence critique of the photo mentioning the following where appropriate:
Overall message or story
Make sure you mention specific details from the photo when discussing it.
Save this As "your_name_critique" (connolly_matt_critique) in the "finished powerpoints" folder in the photojournalism folder
Good sources of photos:1. Google Images -click on image tab
2. Best Still Photojournalism Current Pulitzer Winners