Akins Photojournalism

Monday, August 28, 2006

Signing up for global classroom - Photo Quiz

Signing Up
Click on - "Create a new account"
Check Your Email
In your email - Click on the confirmation link
Click on "courses"
Scroll to bottom and type "Akins" in the search box
Type "eagle" for the enrollment key

In the course, take the "Basics Quiz"

Quiz - 60pts. (You may try it twice)
Blog - 10 pts.
Posts - 30 pts.

You may shoot tomorrow with 70pts.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Basics 5-7, The slr, shutter, and lens

Answer the following in complete sentences:

1. You are about to shoot a sprint at a track meet, and your shutter speed is set to 60, which of the following should you do, and why?
A) Increase shutter speed
B) Leave the speed at where it is
C) Lower shutter speed

2. You are shooting outside on a bright, sunny day, and you want to make sure that you get as much stuff in focus as possible. Which of the following F-stops is best, and why?
A) F2
B) F8
C) F22

Basics 3-4, The camera body

What are the essential working parts of a modern camera body, and what do they do?

Post your answers in complete sentences on your blog.

Monday, August 21, 2006

Basics one and two, How an image is made

On your blog, post the following:

Title- "How an image is formed"
1. List at least two things that are essential for photojournalism that the camera obscura could not do.

2. Explain what an emulsion is and how it forms an image.

3. (Challenge) Go to:http://electronics.howstuffworks.com/digital-camera.htm Scroll down to the section titled "a filmless camera" and read it carefully.
Answer the following:What do digital cameras and film (emulsion) cameras have in common in how they make an image, and how do they differ?

Setting up your blogs


Read the following directions fully before starting this activity.

You will receive a grade on:
Making your first post on blogger.com
Sending me an email with your blogger and flickr account information

Step 1 – Get an email address

If you already have an email address that you use, proceed to step 2
Go to one of the following free email sites, and set up an email account.
http://hotmail.com - Click on “sign up”
http://login.yahoo.com/ -Click on “sign up”
(Hint – When creating an email address, you must choose something that you will remember and that nobody else in the world has. Adding a number like your birthday or part of your student number or your zip code to your preferred user name is often the best way to do this.)

Step 2- Open an account with “blogger.com” and email it to me.

Go to http://www.blogger.com/ and click on “Create your blog now.” (orange arrow)
Fill out the registration form.
Your user name will not be displayed, but it must be unique. (See the Hint above for creating an email address)
Your display name will be shown when people access your blog. It therefore must be appropriate for school.
Your URL is the blog address. It should be relatively simple and appropriate for school.
You must post something to activate your blog - "Welcome to my blog" is fine.

Step 3 – Set up your Flickr account

Go to http://flickr.com/ and set up an account.

Step 4 – Send me an email with your information

When you have successfully set up your blog and flickr accounts, send an email to the address below with the information described in the body.

To: mconnoll@austinisd.org
Subject : blog and flickr registration

Hello Mr. Connolly, this is (your full, real name). I have set up a blog with blogger.com. My user name is (user name). My URL is (copy and paste this). I have also set up a flickr account. My user name is (user name)

If there is time- Once you finish step 3, you are done with the graded portion of the assignment. If there is time, consider doing the following:

Test out flickr – Save a photo from the internet and upload it to your account. See if you can figure out how to post this photo to your blogger blog.