Akins Photojournalism

Friday, September 29, 2006

InDesign Tutorial 2

Folder Management

Open "My Documents" and right click on the folder you created in tutorial #1.
Select “Sharing and Security”
Check “Share this folder on the network” and “Allow network users to change my files.”
Click “Apply” and “Ok”

InDesign Basics

Open InDesign
Start > Programs > Adobe Indesign

Open the "sample_XX" document you created in tutorial 1

Open Internet Exporer
Open the tutorial page @
On the right side, make sure the player preference is set to "flash"

1. Watch “Using the type tool 16906 0:54”
On page 3 of your document, use the text tool to draw a text area across the entire width of the page and at the top of the page.
Set your font size to 60 and type “My headline”

2. Below your headline, draw a large box measuring 8”X5” and draw a text area below it. Fill this text area with filler text (10pt. Times New Roman)

InDesign Tutorial #1
Folder Management
A. In "My Documents" make a folder and name it your name and period (last_first_p?)
Save EVERYTHING into this folder
B. Inside your main folder, make another folder named "Indesign Tutorials"Save all of your indesign work in this folder

InDesign Basics
Open InDesignStart > Programs > Adobe Indesign
Open Internet ExporerOpen the tutorial page @ http://www.atomiclearning.com/indesigncs2_pc On the right side, make sure the player preference is set to "flash"

1. Watch "Understanding the workspace 16896 1:31"

2. Watch "Creating a new document 16897 1:28"

  • Do everything the tutorial says to do.
  • Save your document in " Indesign Tutorials " as .where XX= your initials.

3. Watch "Using palettes 16898 2:34" and try everything demonstrated in the tutorial.
4. Watch "Using rulers and guides 16899 1:11" and try everything demonstrated in the tutorial.
5. Watch "Using Grids 16900 0:50" and try everything demonstrated in the tutorial.
6. Watch "Changing Page Numbers 16901 0:45"
  • Change your number of pages to 8Save your document
7. Watch "Using the frame tools 16909 1:53"
  • On page 2-3 of your document, draw the following:
  • A rectangleo
  • A square
  • An oval
  • An 8 sided octagon
  • A five sided star
  • Save your document

8. Watch "Using the selection tool 16902 1:22"
  • Resize and move all of the objects you dew in step seven to page 2. Make sure they are all small enough to fit on one page.
  • Save your document

9. Watch "Using direct selection tool 16903 1:0"

  • Stretch the square out to look like a diamond.Move other objects as necessary so everything still fits on page 2.
  • Save your document

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Academics Photography

So you think nothing interesing happens in your classes. WRONG!

Your first true photojournalism assignment will be to shoot what happens in classrooms in a visually interesting way. Here are some tips to do it well.

You will start shooting next week Tue. - Fri., so do some research. What interesting stuff is going on in other classes during your photojournalism period? Are there experiments happening, art being made, groups projects, presentations, performances? Start asking around and find out.

Look at and critique some good photography.

First, just look

Go to:
Under "Category," select "Aca/Orgs"
Leave the other fields where they are and hit search.
Spend some time looking through examples of great academics photography.

Now Critique

Go to:


Choose the photo that you think best uses advanced composition to tell an interesting visual story. Save the photo, upload it to flickr, post it to your blog and do the following:

Title the post: Academic composition

  • Explain exactly what makes the photo so good.
  • Identify what the CVI (main thing in the photo) is and how the photographer created it.
  • Explain how it follows the compostion rules.
  • Explain how it uses at least one advanced technique.

Monday, September 18, 2006

Composition Techniques Critiques Comments

Now that everyone has photos posted that they believe exemplify advanced composition techniques, it's time to look around and comment.

1. Look through all of the blogs. If you clearly see the composition technique in the photo, explain exactly what elements create the technique, and how it is created. If you don't see it explainh this also.

2. Make sure you log in when you comment. You must comment on at least four blogs, and you get bonus points if your comment is the first one.

If there is anything wrong with the post (like they didn't label the photo as a technique) comment on this also.

Monday, September 11, 2006

9/11 composition - covering a disaster with a photographer's eye

Like great pieces of art, great photojournalism shots are well composed. The photographer carefully places the elements of a photo within a frame in order to tell a story in the most visually powerful way possible.

Unlike art, the content of photojournalism is not, for the most part, controlled by the photographer.

This was never more true than during the attacks of September 11, 2001. This has been called one of the most photographed events in history.

Imagine being a photojournalist on that day, running into this disaster while most people are running away. In the midst of this misery and chaos, it is your job to capture the the human side of the story in an orderly and effective way.


As a group and individually, you will learn about some composition techniques and find examples of how photojournalists applied them to the chaos of 9/11.

First - Everyone must read about the the rules of "Simplicity, The Rule of Thirds, Lines, Balance, Framing, and Avoiding Mergers" on the following web site:

Composition Web Site

Next- Go to the site below, and find excellent examples of photos shot on 9/11 that follow each of the rules. Each group should agree on all of the photos, and everyone in the group should post the same photos as examples of the advanced techniques.

Upload these to flickr, and post to blogger.
The title of the post should be the name of the technique.

For example- Everyone should have a post with "Framing" as the title, and everyone in the group should have THE SAME photo posted for this.

9/11 photos

Friday, September 01, 2006

Extra Assignment

Write a caption and critique

Go to NPPA site

Surf around until you find a photo you LOVE.
Right click, and "save picture as . . ." into your my documents folder.
Upload this to flickr and post it to your blog.

Edit the post and add the following:

Caption - Copy and paste the caption from the NPPA site. List the who, what , where, when, why, and how from the caption under the original caption.

Critique - Write a 2-5 sentence critique about the focus, composition, exposure etc. What makes this good photojournalism?


Assigned - 08/31/06

Explain, in complete sentences, how a latent image on the emulsion becomes a real negative.Include all of the names of the chemicals and what they do. Also include mention of the important equipment.