The Decisive Moment
"The Decisive Moment" is a term coined by Henri Cartier-Bresson and a book by the same name.
Cartier-Bresson excelled in composition without cropping his negatives, and he had a unique ability to capture the fleeting moment in which the subject's significance is revealed in form, content, and expression.
He termed this the decisive moment.
“For me the camera is a sketchbook, an instrument of intuition and spontaneity, the master of the instant which—in visual terms—questions and decides simultaneously,” he once said.
Copy the following into a word document. Save your responses into your folder, and then upload the final product on global classroom.
The Decisive Moment
Look through the book available by clicking here.
Answer the following questions, and upload the Word document when finished.
1. Choose the photo you like the most, and write the page number below.
2. Briefly describe the photo. What is the CVI? Is it a portrait, a true photojournalistic moment or something else?
3. Form- What are the major composition techniques used in this photo, and how are they used?
4. Content - Who or what makes this photo interesting, and how does it do this?
5. Expression- What is happening in this photo that makes this moment "decisive?"
Answer these questions fully and upload the Word file when you are finished