Here is a draft of the final project. Please look it over and comment on anything you need more information about, don't understand etc. PhotoJournalism
Final Project
Due on day of Final
Per. 3- Tuesday, Dec. 19
Per. 6 - Wednesday, Dec. 20
You will finish and add to your
InDesign document for your final exam. If you have been keeping up with the assignments, this should be no problem.
Do the following:
Page 1Must contain the following elements:
1. The words "Photojournalism Concepts" typed on a path
2. A table of contents with the contents of every page
3. Your name
4. At least three photos YOU have shot, arranged in an interesting and professional way.
Page 2Must contain the following elements:
1. At the top of the page, title it "Tool Practice" in a 18pt. font
2. Make the shapes from tutorial 1 fit into 1/2 of the page. Label this half "InDesign Tools"
3. Use the text tool to label each shape, and list the tool you used to make it. BOLD any mention of tools
4. Label the other half of the page "PhotoShop Tools"
5. Place your manipulated "beauty" faces on the page as grayscale, 200dpi, .tiff images
6. To the right of each of your beauty faces, create a text box and list everything you did, and BOLD any mention of a tool you used to do it.
Page 3Make sure it has the sample photo, text and headline.
Replace the filler text with the following:
1. At the top of the TEXT box, type "Cropping and placing a photo" in bold 14 point type.
2. Explain how to draw a photo box in InDesign
3. Explain how change the units of measure between inches and picas
4. Explain how to crop a photo in PhotoShop to be the exact size of the box in InDesign
5. Explain how to place the cropped photo in the InDesign box
Page 4Make sure your human knot photo is placed well and that it has a good headline and caption
Remember - Caption Rules
1. First sentence contains as much of the importnt 5ws and H info as possible. It is written in present tense as if the viewer were there when the photo was taken. 2. Second sentence contains background information about the event and is written in past tense.
Somewhere on the page, make a new text box, and explain in 100 words or less how you made the image. Type "Creating a Black and White Image" in bold 14 point type. Consider the following:
1. How did you focus it?
2. What are the three photojournalism composition rules, and how did you follow them?
3. How (briefly) did you process the negatives?
4. How (briefly) did you print the photo?
Page 5You should have a page layout of your academics shoot with the following:
1. A headline and possibly a sub headline
2. A large photo with caption
3. A story area with filler text
Replace the filler text with the following:
1. Type "The academic shoot" in bold 14 point type at the top of the text area.
2. Describe what you were looking for when you shot academics.
3. Describe any problems you had with focus, exposure, or composition while shooting, and how to avoid these in the future.
4. Type "Advanced composition techniques" in bold 14 point type.
5. List the advanced composition techniques, and describe each one. If you used the technique, make this text BOLD.
Page 6Make sure your color study is complete and everything is labeled correctly.
Somewhere on the page, insert a text box, and write the following:
1. Type "CMYK Color Study" in bold 14 point type.
2. Explain what CMYK stands for, and how color is produced on the printed page using this process.
3. Explain how the color separations you created on the rest of the page illustrate this.
Page 7
Make sure your light study page layout is complete and correct.
Replace the placeholder text you inserted before with the following:
1. Explain the three aspects of light that we discussed, and briefly explain the major ways that each affects a photo.
Page 8The Sports Action Photo Essay
Make sure that the page is finished and complete according to the instructions on the blog.