Akins Photojournalism

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Exporting your Audactiy file as an MP3

When you are done editing your audio in Audacity, select File > Export as .MP3.

You may get an error message saing that you need the file "lame_enc.dll"
Select "yes" in the error message to indicated that you want to find that file now.

Navigate to j3>Recorder, and open the "lame" folder. Select the file.

Your export should now work.

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Final project reminders

Full instructions and resources for the final project can be found at:

When you are finished, you MUST fill out a cover sheet (the sub has them if you finish early). You have until the end of the final exam period to finish everything.

Period three - Tuesday, May 22, 11:10am-1:10pm
Period six - Wednesday, May 23, 9am - 11am

Other reminders.
If you still owe WORD magazine Money, you MUST give it to me on Tuesday.
My Email is mconnoll@austinisd.org if you have any questions.

Be good and do well.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Editing sound for your electronic essay

When you download the recordings off of the digital recorder, you will end up with an mp3 file saved in your folder.

To edit it, do the following:

1. Download "Audacity" editing software by clicking here and following the instructions. Remember to allow the download by clicking on the yellow bar that might pop up at the top of your browser.

2. Run the software and install it.

3. Go to the tutorial web site by clicking here to learn about editing.

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Substitute Plan

I'll be in and out, so if you have questions, I'll probably see you.

Continue working on your final exam photo hunt, your electronic essay, and your yearbook page.

Be well and do good.
Keep selling Word!

Monday, May 07, 2007

Final Exam - Part One, The HUNT

Forty percent of your final exam will consist of a series of critiques of some of the work published in this year's issues of The Eagles's Eye.

Step One - The hunt
Open and clip photos that are great examples of the following from the 06-07 issues of the newspaper.

  1. Peak of emotion
  2. Peak of action
  3. Well filled frame
  4. Excellent story-telling moment
  5. High shutter speed / frozen action
  6. Framing
  7. Dramatic Angle
  8. Leading Lines
  9. Repetition
  10. Hard lighting with a dramatic effect

Clipping Instructions:Go to the following link and look through the 06-07 issues linked there. Note these are big .pdf files, so give them time to load.
Archive Link - http://studentjournalists.org/eearchive.html

For any issue that has photo(s) that you might use, save the issue as a .pdf in your folder.
To clip a photo, open the .pdf in photoshop.
Select the page you want to open.
Set the resolution to 150dpi.
Allow it to rasterize.
Clear the crop tool settings.
Crop out the photo AND the caption and save this file as a .tiff in a folder named "final_clippings" in your folder.

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Sub Plan

Make sure all of your captions are written, and you are up to date on blog entries.

When you are done with that, go to the following link:
Flower photography

We will have another digital photo contest next week. You may only participate if you are caught up and you post answers to the following on your blog:

You must read all three pages of the article and post complete answers to all 10 of the following questions on your blog to enter the contest.

What is macro photography?
1. What's the main advantage of macro photography?
2. What are the limitations?
Photographing flowers in nature - Mind the sun
3. What are the best lighting conditions for shooting flowers outside?
Be careful of the wind
4. What are two things you can do to minimize the effects of the wind?
Get up close
5. What does the writer suggest for the numer of flowers to get in the frame?
Watch for shadows
6. What are three things that might cast bad shadows?
Use a tripod
7. What are some of the advantages of using a tripod?
Choose your background carefully
8. What's the main thing to avoid with the background?
Respect the environment
9. What's the main idea of this section?
Photographing flower gardens
10. What might you want to do with a flower garden?
Taking pictures of flowers in greenhouses
No question
Taking pictures indoors
No question
Learn about flowers to take better pictures
No question

Caption Reminder

Start writing captions in your InDesign Document.

Use the text tool to write 2-3 sentence captions for the photos you have placed so far.

  • 1st sentence explains the 5ws and h of what is happening in the photo in present tense
  • 2nd sentence is written in past tense and gives background information
  • Everyone in the photo must be named unless there are five or more people.

Photo Essay - The Easy Way out

If you do not post a topic and a specific date that you need a camera by TODAY, you will be assigned a day in the life shoot where you will come by the room in the morning, shoot your life during the school day, and return the camera after school.

If you have another idea, POST IT NOW!!!!